Monday 19 May 2008

The Cover

So the magazine cover has launched, quite literally.
We want more ideas for the covers, so please email us your ideas and imagery so we can put them up and decide.
Tell your friends.


Friday 2 May 2008


The magazine is coming soon, so hold your horses and be prepared for a new monthly 'fact filled fanzine' that will fill the little patriotic hole that exists somewhere in your brain. This publication is LONDON based and highlights the goings on in the dirty south. 

We love london and what's going on around it. We also love the people, and want to know more about them, and thats what this magazine is about. You send us your work and thoughts and we will publish it. 

CULT is a collective of artists in all shapes and forms getting together and creating a new following in the form of paper and staples.

If you have work you want the rest of london to see, send it to us via email: